“Just as I am”

An event has become tradition at William and Mary called “Arts Mambo.” It was begun by a past intern for RUF, but it is open to all students and those in the community. Mambo means “things” in Swahili. It was an evening full of people showing their skills or hobbies to the group. Some played guitar or banjo. Others showed calligraphy or paintings. Others read stories or poems. This semester was the largest Arts Mambo yet. We met in a home of a couple who attend the local PCA church and are involved with RUF. While learning about what students liked to do, many students opened up about struggles with mental health through their sharing of skills. It created a safe environment to be open and honest about life, doubts, and struggles. People truly came just as they were and were loved through it. Arts Mambo is not a “Christian” event. No message is given, not expectation is held. It was a time to build friendships throughout the campus. It was a time to enjoy talents and learn about each other.


I feel that doing this internship has made me look more closely at myself. My struggles, my fears, and my joys. Sharing these parts of life has helped me to grow and love more. We are even told to share in these things in the Bible. I had the opportunity to be among my intern-peers the other week at training. We had a half week of training in Atlanta where all the interns received teaching and shared highs and lows. We broke into our prayer groups and shared stories of seeing God at work and mourning together over the sad stories. This week of training underscored the importance of being still and reconciling the events of the day, week, or month, with the truth of the Gospel. I left training feeing restored because of the honesty I could share with friends and God. There is very little I can control so it is easy to feel overwhelmed. But I can go before God just as I am with the weight of the day and give it over to him.

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