“I need Thee Every Hour”

I feel that right now my focus is on getting students to connect with one another. We have a big event every semester called “Arts Mambo.” There may even be another blog post about last semester’s Mambo. But each Mambo is different and this one will include more pictures.

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Here is my one picture from Arts Mambo. Arts Mambo is an evening of sharing a thing. RUF students invite their friends and everyone learns about each other by the sharing of creative outlets. There is poetry, short stories, song (sung and played), art, and anything else you want to bring. This is Ben (our campus minister) playing and singing for us. As you can see we were all quite impressed and delighted.

Arts Mambo is always a time to share struggles with one another, no matter where you are in life. Some people expressed deep struggle through their poems or songs, others peacefully serenaded us, uniting us in an evening of simply being with one another.

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Here are two freshmen and a senior at Large Group. They all realized they were wearing the same shade of aqua in honor of spring and decided to commemorate the moment. Ben has been preaching on Questions God asks us in the Bible. It’s been a very convicting series with a lot of great feed back.

These pictures were in the email update, but I wanted to have them included in the blog so I would have a comprehensive over view of the internship at the end in this blog.

It’s a short blog, but things are just plugging along for now. It’s truly the daily grind of meeting with students and continuing to invite them to events and hoping RUF is making a lasting impression in students’ lives. And in the daily grind, it is often easy to lose sight of why we are here, and I realize I rely less and less on God’s Spirit being at work than my own schedule.

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